Exerpted from Conde Nast Traveler Etiquette 101, November 2009
Smart Talk
First Do No Harm
"Every country has its subtle taboos and unspoken codes, but when you get down to it, it's what you say, not how you say it, that really gets you in the door (or kicked out). ... It's easy enough to follow such tips as "Use common sense" on your home turf, but it's sometimes the best-intentioned questions ("Where did you go to college?" "Isn't Toronto fabulous?") that can land you in the most trouble abroad. In all likelihood, these and other queries will not get you summarily banned from the conference table or a family's home - and in fact certain cultures encourage forthrightness - but wandering into a minefield might lead to the kind of awkwardness that festers beneath all the cross-culture politeness. Our guide to the most dangerous topics around the world rates them according to our own alert system, from highest to lowest risk, followed by a few safe subjects that might put you back on solid ground."
Degree of Risk: From absolutely verboten to ill-advised
* Impugning Canada's national health-care system. Canadians are fiercely proud of it. In a television contest, viewers voted the founder of the system the greatest Canadian hero
* Remarking how similar Canada is to the United States can be tantamount to calling it the fifty-first state.
* Any reliance on a few stereotypes (e.g. making fun of how they say, "Eh?") may unearth the sarcasm beneath their (stereotypical) politeness.
* Be careful in discussing Toronto and how wonderful it is; many regional Canadians, especially out west, don't like it.
* Don't mistake politeness for the casual oversharing so common in the United States. Canadians, like Europeans, will bristle if you get too personal too fast.
Diversionary Topics (i.e. Talk Away!)
* Hockey - the really do love it as much as we think they do. The runner-up in the Canadian-hero contest was a hockey coach turned sportscaster.
Now I realize this is written for the business traveler. But I was so amused by it. I guess that's what I get for having spent many weekends/weeks/months there. I cling to the small percentage of my geographical makeup that is Canada. Even so much as driving through snowstorms on 81 to get there. Anyways, I just wanted to share. :)
Friday, December 25, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
on cooking
...in which no cooking is actually done...
Tomorrow is fellowship day. I am scheduled for 2 lunch desserts and a supper main dish. Mom is also on a supper main dish, so she's doing a double batch of chicken. I have to work tomorrow afternoon. She is rather good to me! :)
I like to do something seasonal for my desserts. So I picked Caramel Apple Cupcakes. They were easy enough - cake mix, butter, eggs, applesauce, cinnamon. Fill liners with batter, press an unwrapped Kraft caramel into top. Bake. It was really easy. Except... I didn't have enough liners for 24 cupcakes. Solution? Use cooking spray on the non-stick pan and hope for the best. The cupcakes themselves were no problem to come out. The caramels, on the other hand, had sunk to the bottom and stuck themselves on. Grrr... So those ones are now upside-down cupcakes. The other pan with the liners, I was afraid I hadn't used enough batter, but they overflowed and baked on a little bit. I will whip up cream cheese frosting in the morning. Also in the morning, I will pull together a tiramisu trifle. (If you read any sort of women's magazine, I'm sure you've seen this recipe? It calls for Philadelphia Cream Cheese, Jello pudding, and Nilla Wafers. It reads like it will go together quickly, which is good, because I'm always trying to do too much Sunday mornings. (As B & C can attest to!) Oh, and the coffee I was running out for? For the tiramisu. :)
Other than that, I don't do a lot of cooking these days. I make a salad every day for lunch and pull together any assortment of "snacks" for my day at work. I cook a chicken breast every other day for two days worth of protein at lunch. I do change up the flavor of my chicken regularly, but it's not really cooking. I just use some oil and whatever spices I pull out of the cupboard first and pop the dish in the oven while I'm making lunch and/or breakfast.
When B & C were here, I made "Iced Cinnamon Bun Scones." They were a bit complicated, but I thought they turned out nice. Of course, we at them warm. Mom said they weren't anything special the next day at room-temperature. Ah well...
I do make eggs every morning for breakfast: scrambled, fried, poached, omelet-ed (is that a word?!) ... is there any other ways of cooking eggs? I haven't been able to come up with much. Please comment if you know of some other way.
Well, I think that's all for now. Good night!
Tomorrow is fellowship day. I am scheduled for 2 lunch desserts and a supper main dish. Mom is also on a supper main dish, so she's doing a double batch of chicken. I have to work tomorrow afternoon. She is rather good to me! :)
I like to do something seasonal for my desserts. So I picked Caramel Apple Cupcakes. They were easy enough - cake mix, butter, eggs, applesauce, cinnamon. Fill liners with batter, press an unwrapped Kraft caramel into top. Bake. It was really easy. Except... I didn't have enough liners for 24 cupcakes. Solution? Use cooking spray on the non-stick pan and hope for the best. The cupcakes themselves were no problem to come out. The caramels, on the other hand, had sunk to the bottom and stuck themselves on. Grrr... So those ones are now upside-down cupcakes. The other pan with the liners, I was afraid I hadn't used enough batter, but they overflowed and baked on a little bit. I will whip up cream cheese frosting in the morning. Also in the morning, I will pull together a tiramisu trifle. (If you read any sort of women's magazine, I'm sure you've seen this recipe? It calls for Philadelphia Cream Cheese, Jello pudding, and Nilla Wafers. It reads like it will go together quickly, which is good, because I'm always trying to do too much Sunday mornings. (As B & C can attest to!) Oh, and the coffee I was running out for? For the tiramisu. :)
Other than that, I don't do a lot of cooking these days. I make a salad every day for lunch and pull together any assortment of "snacks" for my day at work. I cook a chicken breast every other day for two days worth of protein at lunch. I do change up the flavor of my chicken regularly, but it's not really cooking. I just use some oil and whatever spices I pull out of the cupboard first and pop the dish in the oven while I'm making lunch and/or breakfast.
When B & C were here, I made "Iced Cinnamon Bun Scones." They were a bit complicated, but I thought they turned out nice. Of course, we at them warm. Mom said they weren't anything special the next day at room-temperature. Ah well...
I do make eggs every morning for breakfast: scrambled, fried, poached, omelet-ed (is that a word?!) ... is there any other ways of cooking eggs? I haven't been able to come up with much. Please comment if you know of some other way.
Well, I think that's all for now. Good night!
happy halloween
Instead of trick-or-treating, I updated the look of my blog. I kinda like it. Makes me wish I had something to say. lol
Actually, I am going to run out to get some coffee and then come back and write about cooking. I was realizing tonight that instead of working at my day job and at Target, I would much rather stay home and cook and blog about it. But, alas, that does not pay the bills. Well, I guess if I wrote well enough and often enough I could make some money, but that doesn't seem to be happening. So...
I'll be back.....
Actually, I am going to run out to get some coffee and then come back and write about cooking. I was realizing tonight that instead of working at my day job and at Target, I would much rather stay home and cook and blog about it. But, alas, that does not pay the bills. Well, I guess if I wrote well enough and often enough I could make some money, but that doesn't seem to be happening. So...
I'll be back.....
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
nothing to say
Really. It's why I haven't been blogging. I was going to do a couple of weekly features that have since fallen by the wayside. I love my little blog. Truly, I do. It just doesn't have a permanent spot in my schedule. Now, might I add, that if I had the internet at work, this little bloggie would get a lot more attention. But, alas, I don't have the internet. Just Free Cell and I play that WAY too much!
I have been talking about re-reading the classics. Then I looked at a couple different lists of classics and realized that, well, I've never read most of them in the first place. So I'm starting. I was hoping that I could get away with re-reading The Great Gatsby and The Catcher in the Rye, but that's not good enough for some people (MD...) So I'm starting with Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest. I watched the movie with S - Hugh Grant was in it - but, honestly, I have no idea what it was about. I like to intersperse the classics with a hearty dose of P.G. Wodehouse. :)
On exercise: A nice trance-y Moby song does not good walking music make. It was all I could do to put one foot in front of the other. I walk much better to Madonna's Hung Up. The trials, I tell you what!
Spent this past weekend at Montrose Bible Conference. It was nice. The weather was almost perfect and the meetings were good. I especially enjoyed the reading on the armour in Ephesians 6, Mr. Hyland's address on the Lord's Table, the Lord's Supper, and the camp, and Mr. Coleman's gospel. It was such a weird weekend. There were no older girls there. No one I am close friends with. I missed my sister a lot on Saturday. However, I had ample opportunity to talk to other people, both older and younger, whom I might not have talked to otherwise. It was just neat all around. :)
I'll leave you with a quote for Wednesday Wisdom:
"One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating." Luciano Pavarotti
I have been talking about re-reading the classics. Then I looked at a couple different lists of classics and realized that, well, I've never read most of them in the first place. So I'm starting. I was hoping that I could get away with re-reading The Great Gatsby and The Catcher in the Rye, but that's not good enough for some people (MD...) So I'm starting with Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest. I watched the movie with S - Hugh Grant was in it - but, honestly, I have no idea what it was about. I like to intersperse the classics with a hearty dose of P.G. Wodehouse. :)
On exercise: A nice trance-y Moby song does not good walking music make. It was all I could do to put one foot in front of the other. I walk much better to Madonna's Hung Up. The trials, I tell you what!
Spent this past weekend at Montrose Bible Conference. It was nice. The weather was almost perfect and the meetings were good. I especially enjoyed the reading on the armour in Ephesians 6, Mr. Hyland's address on the Lord's Table, the Lord's Supper, and the camp, and Mr. Coleman's gospel. It was such a weird weekend. There were no older girls there. No one I am close friends with. I missed my sister a lot on Saturday. However, I had ample opportunity to talk to other people, both older and younger, whom I might not have talked to otherwise. It was just neat all around. :)
I'll leave you with a quote for Wednesday Wisdom:
"One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating." Luciano Pavarotti
Saturday, September 5, 2009
my blog languisheth
So, um, I've missed like a couple of weeks. Oops! I've got a *good reason* however. I've been busy sorting out a banking error, so that's how I've spent all my time online. Seriously. This whole online banking thing is a little too complicated for me, I think. But then, today, it seemed like everything was in order and I had put in the right things and everything seems to be peachy. Well, excepting that there's never enough in the old checking account...
I am home alone this weekend. I was so looking forward to getting lots of things done. But I really didn't want to get out of bed this morning. When I finally arose and started breakfast, I dropped the bottle of canola oil and it spilled all over the floor. So I had to take time out to clean up the mess. Then I read the whole paper and a couple days worth of mail. (S-that card totally made my day. :) I'll write you about it soon!) I finally made it to the Farmers' Market around 11, and, of course, there was no lettuce to be seen. Man, I just hate buying it at the grocery store! Ran through the DT at Starbucks for an iced tall no classic light ice passion tea before heading to Kohl's. I was bra shopping, but ended up buying new sneakers instead. What was I supposed to do?! They actually had my size in sneakers... Then to the grocery store, and finally home. Where I was supposed to accomplish all sorts of fun things this afternoon, but instead, I spent lots of time online checking email and facebook. Then I went for a walk and now I am going to use up a free ticket and go watch the BMets [hopefully!] win.
Perhaps this coming week I can get back on track with the blogging???
I am home alone this weekend. I was so looking forward to getting lots of things done. But I really didn't want to get out of bed this morning. When I finally arose and started breakfast, I dropped the bottle of canola oil and it spilled all over the floor. So I had to take time out to clean up the mess. Then I read the whole paper and a couple days worth of mail. (S-that card totally made my day. :) I'll write you about it soon!) I finally made it to the Farmers' Market around 11, and, of course, there was no lettuce to be seen. Man, I just hate buying it at the grocery store! Ran through the DT at Starbucks for an iced tall no classic light ice passion tea before heading to Kohl's. I was bra shopping, but ended up buying new sneakers instead. What was I supposed to do?! They actually had my size in sneakers... Then to the grocery store, and finally home. Where I was supposed to accomplish all sorts of fun things this afternoon, but instead, I spent lots of time online checking email and facebook. Then I went for a walk and now I am going to use up a free ticket and go watch the BMets [hopefully!] win.
Perhaps this coming week I can get back on track with the blogging???
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
wednesday wisdom 08.19.09
"Never say you don't have enough time...You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein." - Author Unknown
Saturday, August 15, 2009
on music
(this was supposed to be yesterday's post, but that never happened so...)
um, wow, so I just totally digressed and started reading about the Smiths & Morrissey. I have discovered, probably within the last year, that I adore The Smiths. Why did I not discover them until this recently?! It makes me sad. However, it's good to know that Morrissey has sold out ALL of his 2009 shows. I like him.
This was going to be about The Thompson Twins. I think everyone has asked "why did they call themselves The Thompson Twins when there were 3 of them?!" I came up with a theory yesterday while listening to Lay Your Hands on Me. Here goes: All these years later, people still remember them, still listen to their music, and keep asking why they were the twins when there were 3 of them. I think they did it as a PR move. If we go for something crazy like this, people will remember us. It worked. However, I wiki-ed them and found the story behind their name. Still good, but I like my theory better. LOL
And now I want to share with you my favorite lines from songs, in no particular order and for no particular reason.
"If you're feeling low, turn up your radio"
"Will your system be alright when you dream of home tonight?"
"I'm just tired and bored with myself"
"The shutter clicked but the film did not go 'round"
"A city wall and a trampoline"
"It's alright as long as you got somebody to love"
I love music!
p.s. I also love The Traveling Wilburys :)
um, wow, so I just totally digressed and started reading about the Smiths & Morrissey. I have discovered, probably within the last year, that I adore The Smiths. Why did I not discover them until this recently?! It makes me sad. However, it's good to know that Morrissey has sold out ALL of his 2009 shows. I like him.
This was going to be about The Thompson Twins. I think everyone has asked "why did they call themselves The Thompson Twins when there were 3 of them?!" I came up with a theory yesterday while listening to Lay Your Hands on Me. Here goes: All these years later, people still remember them, still listen to their music, and keep asking why they were the twins when there were 3 of them. I think they did it as a PR move. If we go for something crazy like this, people will remember us. It worked. However, I wiki-ed them and found the story behind their name. Still good, but I like my theory better. LOL
And now I want to share with you my favorite lines from songs, in no particular order and for no particular reason.
"If you're feeling low, turn up your radio"
"Will your system be alright when you dream of home tonight?"
"I'm just tired and bored with myself"
"The shutter clicked but the film did not go 'round"
"A city wall and a trampoline"
"It's alright as long as you got somebody to love"
I love music!
p.s. I also love The Traveling Wilburys :)
of farmers' markets and such
GourmetGirl often writes about her food findings at various markets & what amazing things she does with her produce. I attempt to follow, but she's a gourmet cook. Me? I just muddle around in the kitchen.
Today. I am finally home on a Saturday with nothing going on. I debated going to the Ithaca Farmers' Market, but didn't want the bother of finding a place to park, nor the bother of keeping my produce fresh whilst wondering around Ithaca and on the drive home. Also, I didn't want to get out of bed! :) So I opted to go to the Vestal Farmers' Market instead. (They don't have a website, but their information is here.) I wanted to get there earlier, but didn't make it 'til 9. As I sat on the Vestal Parkway waiting to turn into the Library parking lot, I realized that there was about as much traffic here as there would be in Ithaca, but the entrance way is bigger! (And I can walk if I feel so inclined!) :)
First stop, The Lettuce Lady. She's easy to find - always has the biggest crowd around her tent. I'm sure she has some name like "So-and-so's Farm", but here in Vestal, we all just know her as the Lettuce Lady. I got a small bag of mixed lettuces, a bunch of carrots, and a green pepper. I elbowed my way back out of the crowd & proceeded to peruse the rest of the market. I bought tomatoes, plums, dried apricots, sesame seeds, and dried thyme. (It's my new spice since I've been doing FLT.) All the vendors were there today. All sorts of produce, local honey, baked goods, flowers, etc. It was a gorgeous day - a few clouds floating in a clear blue sky, with temperatures pushing 80. I love the Vestal Farmers' Market. It's local & I always see someone I know. Not only that, but everyone is friendly at the Farmers' Market. I love that sense of community!
(Must resist urge to blog about sense of community.....!)
I stopped at Starbucks for a tall decaf drip, went to the post office, and went to the grocery store for non-produce items (milk, eggs, yogurt, chick peas, bread). Then I made a clothing return, and bought t.p., shampoo & hand soap at Target. I made a few other stops before returning home. Yes, everything was in a cooler, so it didn't spoil before I got it home. Once I got home, I realized I should probably use my veggies to make lunch, and blog about it. Because sometimes, that's what I do!
I looked at recipes for a bit, then decided to just wing it. Which is generally what I do all the time when I cook. (I DO follow recipes when I bake.)
I started out sauteing onion & garlic in canola oil. To that, I added chopped yellow squash (thanks, Mrs. S!), green pepper & cucumber. I let that cook for a while, then added chopped tomato. I seasoned the dish with salt & pepper, thyme, sesame seeds & soy sauce. While it was cooking, I didn't like the smell, but there was nothing I could do at that point. Well, as far as taking anything out! So I threw on some cubed mozzarella at the end & let it melt. Then I scooped everything into a bowl and ate it. It was YUMMY! And, no, I didn't take a picture because it just looked messy. All the veggies kept their texture, so that was nice. I don't like mushy vegetables!
Then I ate some dried apricots for dessert and now I am going to do something else.
Today. I am finally home on a Saturday with nothing going on. I debated going to the Ithaca Farmers' Market, but didn't want the bother of finding a place to park, nor the bother of keeping my produce fresh whilst wondering around Ithaca and on the drive home. Also, I didn't want to get out of bed! :) So I opted to go to the Vestal Farmers' Market instead. (They don't have a website, but their information is here.) I wanted to get there earlier, but didn't make it 'til 9. As I sat on the Vestal Parkway waiting to turn into the Library parking lot, I realized that there was about as much traffic here as there would be in Ithaca, but the entrance way is bigger! (And I can walk if I feel so inclined!) :)
First stop, The Lettuce Lady. She's easy to find - always has the biggest crowd around her tent. I'm sure she has some name like "So-and-so's Farm", but here in Vestal, we all just know her as the Lettuce Lady. I got a small bag of mixed lettuces, a bunch of carrots, and a green pepper. I elbowed my way back out of the crowd & proceeded to peruse the rest of the market. I bought tomatoes, plums, dried apricots, sesame seeds, and dried thyme. (It's my new spice since I've been doing FLT.) All the vendors were there today. All sorts of produce, local honey, baked goods, flowers, etc. It was a gorgeous day - a few clouds floating in a clear blue sky, with temperatures pushing 80. I love the Vestal Farmers' Market. It's local & I always see someone I know. Not only that, but everyone is friendly at the Farmers' Market. I love that sense of community!
(Must resist urge to blog about sense of community.....!)
I stopped at Starbucks for a tall decaf drip, went to the post office, and went to the grocery store for non-produce items (milk, eggs, yogurt, chick peas, bread). Then I made a clothing return, and bought t.p., shampoo & hand soap at Target. I made a few other stops before returning home. Yes, everything was in a cooler, so it didn't spoil before I got it home. Once I got home, I realized I should probably use my veggies to make lunch, and blog about it. Because sometimes, that's what I do!
I looked at recipes for a bit, then decided to just wing it. Which is generally what I do all the time when I cook. (I DO follow recipes when I bake.)
I started out sauteing onion & garlic in canola oil. To that, I added chopped yellow squash (thanks, Mrs. S!), green pepper & cucumber. I let that cook for a while, then added chopped tomato. I seasoned the dish with salt & pepper, thyme, sesame seeds & soy sauce. While it was cooking, I didn't like the smell, but there was nothing I could do at that point. Well, as far as taking anything out! So I threw on some cubed mozzarella at the end & let it melt. Then I scooped everything into a bowl and ate it. It was YUMMY! And, no, I didn't take a picture because it just looked messy. All the veggies kept their texture, so that was nice. I don't like mushy vegetables!
Then I ate some dried apricots for dessert and now I am going to do something else.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
this, that & a few other things
I washed my dishes before I started blogging. Be proud of me. Julie Powell would be. I hope.
I just finished reading Julie & Julia. I read it in 2 days at work. Hmmm... who has nothing to do at work?! Getting paid to read at work... Perhaps I should just go be an editor?! :)
I really like the book and am looking forward to seeing the movie. I was hoping to see it with S & B, but it doesn't seem to be working out. We are all too busy on the weekends. Or something. :) One of these days I will get there.
I enjoy cooking & spending time in the kitchen (unless it involves washing dishes...), but I have no desire to do a Julie/Julia Project. I am just not that ambitious. (And besides, I live in upstate NY & am poor. Such an undertaking does not suit my current situation!) But still. I want to get WHAT she got out of her project, and that is this:
"Julia taught me what it takes to find your way in the world. It's not what I thought it was. I thought it was all about - I don't know, confidence, or will or luck. Those are all some good things to have, no question. But there's something else, something that these things grow out of.
"It's joy.
"I read her instructions for making bechamel sauce, and what comes throbbing through is that here is a woman who has found her way."
I still haven't found what I'm looking for, oh wait, that's U2. I still don't have anything that I get so excited to do. I guess I need a project. In fact, there's lot of them floating around in my head, but I never start anything. And if I do start a project, it never gets finished. I have lots of started projects. I guess that's why I like school so much. There are deadlines for projects. They usually come around much to quickly. Especially in Art School. My writing also is the same way. I get through a conversation in a character sketch and then I'm stuck. Argh.
And while we're on the topic of food, I was very excited to get home from work today and find the latest copy of Everyday Food in my mailbox. I like the things I make from there. I have too many recipes!
But as far as the reading goes... Since I finished Julie & Julia in a couple of days, I should be able to whip through Special Topics in Calamity Physics in about 3. I'll try it next week. Too much work for a Friday.
I came Back East with a copy of said book. Can't remember who's outgoing book pile it came off. I miss those piles. I miss having friends whose houses I spent quality time in. I digress. I went to a book sale at The Art Mission and found this!

It was pretty and it cost me all of 50 cents. The people who were taking the money just did not understand why I was so excited about a book with a weird title. I told them they should read it because it was really good. They looked at me like I was losing it. And this was at an art gallery! Ah well...
On a completely different topic, I forgot to tell you about the exercise part of my new "lifestyle". It's simple really. I invested in a pedometer, ankle weights, and hand weights. I try to get in 10,000 steps each day (though some days I don't try very hard!) And I carry the weights with me on my 40 minute walk. Nothing strenuous. If I want to take a stroll around the block with my nieces and it takes 40 minutes, that totally counts. See, you just have to be up moving around. This is a point I keep trying to make with my Dad and I don't seem to be getting anywhere. grrr!
Food confession... I had ice cream last night. And I enjoyed it! :)
I must go for now. I'm running out of time to make it to the grocery store before Bible study. Love you!
I just finished reading Julie & Julia. I read it in 2 days at work. Hmmm... who has nothing to do at work?! Getting paid to read at work... Perhaps I should just go be an editor?! :)
I really like the book and am looking forward to seeing the movie. I was hoping to see it with S & B, but it doesn't seem to be working out. We are all too busy on the weekends. Or something. :) One of these days I will get there.
I enjoy cooking & spending time in the kitchen (unless it involves washing dishes...), but I have no desire to do a Julie/Julia Project. I am just not that ambitious. (And besides, I live in upstate NY & am poor. Such an undertaking does not suit my current situation!) But still. I want to get WHAT she got out of her project, and that is this:
"Julia taught me what it takes to find your way in the world. It's not what I thought it was. I thought it was all about - I don't know, confidence, or will or luck. Those are all some good things to have, no question. But there's something else, something that these things grow out of.
"It's joy.
"I read her instructions for making bechamel sauce, and what comes throbbing through is that here is a woman who has found her way."
I still haven't found what I'm looking for, oh wait, that's U2. I still don't have anything that I get so excited to do. I guess I need a project. In fact, there's lot of them floating around in my head, but I never start anything. And if I do start a project, it never gets finished. I have lots of started projects. I guess that's why I like school so much. There are deadlines for projects. They usually come around much to quickly. Especially in Art School. My writing also is the same way. I get through a conversation in a character sketch and then I'm stuck. Argh.
And while we're on the topic of food, I was very excited to get home from work today and find the latest copy of Everyday Food in my mailbox. I like the things I make from there. I have too many recipes!
But as far as the reading goes... Since I finished Julie & Julia in a couple of days, I should be able to whip through Special Topics in Calamity Physics in about 3. I'll try it next week. Too much work for a Friday.
I came Back East with a copy of said book. Can't remember who's outgoing book pile it came off. I miss those piles. I miss having friends whose houses I spent quality time in. I digress. I went to a book sale at The Art Mission and found this!

It was pretty and it cost me all of 50 cents. The people who were taking the money just did not understand why I was so excited about a book with a weird title. I told them they should read it because it was really good. They looked at me like I was losing it. And this was at an art gallery! Ah well...
On a completely different topic, I forgot to tell you about the exercise part of my new "lifestyle". It's simple really. I invested in a pedometer, ankle weights, and hand weights. I try to get in 10,000 steps each day (though some days I don't try very hard!) And I carry the weights with me on my 40 minute walk. Nothing strenuous. If I want to take a stroll around the block with my nieces and it takes 40 minutes, that totally counts. See, you just have to be up moving around. This is a point I keep trying to make with my Dad and I don't seem to be getting anywhere. grrr!
Food confession... I had ice cream last night. And I enjoyed it! :)
I must go for now. I'm running out of time to make it to the grocery store before Bible study. Love you!
thankful thursday 08.13.09
Today I am thankful for...
** home
** family
** and this verse: "He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds." Psalm 147:3
** home
** family
** and this verse: "He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds." Psalm 147:3
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
wednesday wisdom 08.12.09
Sorry for posting so late in the day :s
"I long to accomplish a great and noble task,
but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks
as if they were great and noble."
- Helen Keller
"I long to accomplish a great and noble task,
but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks
as if they were great and noble."
- Helen Keller
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
about me
In this blog, I commented on the attractiveness of the men from that city that gives me panic attacks. There's more... The one with the eyelashes and the girlfriend is getting married this weekend! He's also 28. So I would assume that makes the other one somewhere between 28 & 35... And as of yesterday, I developed a HUGE crush on the guy. The likes of which I've not had since I've been back East. (If you remember my crush on P., this one is just as bad!) He was in one day last week to pick out some tile for his bathroom. Then he was in yesterday to pick up said tile and he flirted. Today, he came back to see if he could get this other size in the same color. But I couldn't find anywhere that he could. I told him he should just get purple - on-going joke - and he says, "Oh my little girl would love that." I asked how old (6), but didn't ask about her mother. I just couldn't bring myself to that... :D
But enough about the crush.
Health-wise, I'm feeling better than I've felt in a long time. I've lost 6 inches off my waist & 7 off my hips. I think that is debatable because I'm sure my original measurement was lower than my current one. If I had really lost 7 inches off the original measurement, nothing would fit at all! Seriously! I've also lost 41.4 pounds since I started this program on 1 April 2009.
Yes, I gave up coffee on April Fool's Day and everybody thought it was a big joke. In the last 18 weeks, I've probably had 10 cups of decaf. I didn't believe it was possible, but the withdrawal was SO bad, I decided I never wanted to do caffeine again. Yes, I know. I also think I'm kinda crazy. I can't remember what all the health benefits are, but I definitely don't get sluggish in the afternoons anymore. Which is very exciting. I don't even stash chocolate in my desk. I gave that up too!
I also gave up soda, fast food, and all processed food. Basically, I just started eating "like I was supposed to", but, up until now, I hadn't been able to do it on my own.
When I was in Seattle, I walked everywhere. I also ate horribly and never got enough sleep. Once I got home, I didn't walk anywhere & I didn't eat quite as horribly. Nor did I ever get enough sleep. :/ I was feeling pretty crappy, but never did anything about it. I'd been choking on things like bread & my mom's dry chicken. Finally, I went to see a friend.
I've known Todd & Jenny for quite a few years. They were regulars in the drive-thru at Starbucks. He is a compounding pharmacist. They had a pharmacy in Binghamton. Then within the last year, they opened a health food store in Vestal. I made an appointment with Todd. He ruled out gluten-intolerance quite quickly and asked a lot of questions about my health, my level of activity, etc. He said that I was on track for Type 2 diabetes. I sat up and took notice. He suggested a life-style change - called it "lifestyle therapy." I thought, well, I like physical therapy, so why not give it a try?! It's called First Line Therapy.
Those first 3 days without coffee were agony. I was PMS-ing and therefore craving chips and pop. The ACA shooting happened. I work 4 blocks from there so it was a bit stressful. I went to bed really early that night. I woke up the next morning symptom-free. I thought it was just a fluke, but on Day 6 of the program, I flew to Seattle. (I don't recommend going on vacation at the beginning of this program, but, somehow, I survived.) I was up at 4 EDT, went into work for 1.5 hours, flew out of Syracuse, landed in Seattle around 6 PDT, had dinner & went to prayer meeting. I am usually totally wiped out when I get to Seattle, but this time, I wasn't. It was weird, but good.
In the following weeks, I have gotten onto an eating & exercise program that has enabled me to lose about 2 1/2 pounds per week. My upper respiratory conditions are improved. I'm sleeping better. I'm definitely eating better. My knees are better. My back still has issues, but they say that will take more time because I've had surgery.
"First Line Therapy is a specialized therapeutic lifestyle change program unlike any other.... in that the FLT system targets the underlying causes of chronic illness by incorporating a sensible eating plan, exercise, nutritional supplementation, and stress management." (from here)
I consume 1600 calories/day. They say I could eat more, but I'm rarely hungry, so I'm sticking with the lower number. It's helping the pounds come off! :) I eat eggs & toast for breakfast, a big salad with about 3 ounces of protein & homemade dressing for lunch, and dinner is protein & veggies. For my morning snack, I generally drink a meal-replacement shake and eat carrots with hummus. My afternoon snack is either another shake, or 2-3 ounces of protein with either fruit or nuts. I eat from 9 categories: concentrated protein, legumes, dairy, nuts/seeds, "water" vegetables, root vegetables, fruit, grains, and oils, plus 1 or 2 shakes/day. I often feel like I am eating so much. I rarely eat out during the week, and only occasionally on the weekends. Sometimes I really miss all the "bad" stuff, so I try a bite, and then I'm like "ugh! I can't believe I used to eat this all the time." Apparently, according to a guy I know, I am the only person in the world who can eat just 2 Doritos. I shrug & laugh.
I've been in the program for 18 weeks. I went through the detox and then onto "life". Life happens. There is going to be birthday cake and Tim Horton's chocolate-glazed donuts and Doritos. I eat it all, just in very small portions, and I get back on track as soon as I can. It's been tough going, but I'm so glad I made the decision to get healthy. Now if I could just keep my clothes on... :D
But enough about the crush.
Health-wise, I'm feeling better than I've felt in a long time. I've lost 6 inches off my waist & 7 off my hips. I think that is debatable because I'm sure my original measurement was lower than my current one. If I had really lost 7 inches off the original measurement, nothing would fit at all! Seriously! I've also lost 41.4 pounds since I started this program on 1 April 2009.
Yes, I gave up coffee on April Fool's Day and everybody thought it was a big joke. In the last 18 weeks, I've probably had 10 cups of decaf. I didn't believe it was possible, but the withdrawal was SO bad, I decided I never wanted to do caffeine again. Yes, I know. I also think I'm kinda crazy. I can't remember what all the health benefits are, but I definitely don't get sluggish in the afternoons anymore. Which is very exciting. I don't even stash chocolate in my desk. I gave that up too!
I also gave up soda, fast food, and all processed food. Basically, I just started eating "like I was supposed to", but, up until now, I hadn't been able to do it on my own.
When I was in Seattle, I walked everywhere. I also ate horribly and never got enough sleep. Once I got home, I didn't walk anywhere & I didn't eat quite as horribly. Nor did I ever get enough sleep. :/ I was feeling pretty crappy, but never did anything about it. I'd been choking on things like bread & my mom's dry chicken. Finally, I went to see a friend.
I've known Todd & Jenny for quite a few years. They were regulars in the drive-thru at Starbucks. He is a compounding pharmacist. They had a pharmacy in Binghamton. Then within the last year, they opened a health food store in Vestal. I made an appointment with Todd. He ruled out gluten-intolerance quite quickly and asked a lot of questions about my health, my level of activity, etc. He said that I was on track for Type 2 diabetes. I sat up and took notice. He suggested a life-style change - called it "lifestyle therapy." I thought, well, I like physical therapy, so why not give it a try?! It's called First Line Therapy.
Those first 3 days without coffee were agony. I was PMS-ing and therefore craving chips and pop. The ACA shooting happened. I work 4 blocks from there so it was a bit stressful. I went to bed really early that night. I woke up the next morning symptom-free. I thought it was just a fluke, but on Day 6 of the program, I flew to Seattle. (I don't recommend going on vacation at the beginning of this program, but, somehow, I survived.) I was up at 4 EDT, went into work for 1.5 hours, flew out of Syracuse, landed in Seattle around 6 PDT, had dinner & went to prayer meeting. I am usually totally wiped out when I get to Seattle, but this time, I wasn't. It was weird, but good.
In the following weeks, I have gotten onto an eating & exercise program that has enabled me to lose about 2 1/2 pounds per week. My upper respiratory conditions are improved. I'm sleeping better. I'm definitely eating better. My knees are better. My back still has issues, but they say that will take more time because I've had surgery.
"First Line Therapy is a specialized therapeutic lifestyle change program unlike any other.... in that the FLT system targets the underlying causes of chronic illness by incorporating a sensible eating plan, exercise, nutritional supplementation, and stress management." (from here)

I consume 1600 calories/day. They say I could eat more, but I'm rarely hungry, so I'm sticking with the lower number. It's helping the pounds come off! :) I eat eggs & toast for breakfast, a big salad with about 3 ounces of protein & homemade dressing for lunch, and dinner is protein & veggies. For my morning snack, I generally drink a meal-replacement shake and eat carrots with hummus. My afternoon snack is either another shake, or 2-3 ounces of protein with either fruit or nuts. I eat from 9 categories: concentrated protein, legumes, dairy, nuts/seeds, "water" vegetables, root vegetables, fruit, grains, and oils, plus 1 or 2 shakes/day. I often feel like I am eating so much. I rarely eat out during the week, and only occasionally on the weekends. Sometimes I really miss all the "bad" stuff, so I try a bite, and then I'm like "ugh! I can't believe I used to eat this all the time." Apparently, according to a guy I know, I am the only person in the world who can eat just 2 Doritos. I shrug & laugh.
I've been in the program for 18 weeks. I went through the detox and then onto "life". Life happens. There is going to be birthday cake and Tim Horton's chocolate-glazed donuts and Doritos. I eat it all, just in very small portions, and I get back on track as soon as I can. It's been tough going, but I'm so glad I made the decision to get healthy. Now if I could just keep my clothes on... :D
Thursday, August 6, 2009
thankful thursday 08.06.09
Today, I am thankful for my health and for poetry.
Red Geraniums
Life did not bring me silken gowns,
Nor jewels for my hair,
Nor signs of gabled foreign towns
In distant countries fair,
But I can glimpse, beyond my pane, a green and friendly hill,
And red geraniums aflame upon my window sill.
The brambled cares of every day,
The tiny humdrum things,
May bind my feet when they would stray,
But still my heart has wings
While red geraniums are bloomed against my window glass,
And low above my green-sweet hill the gypsy wind-clouds pass.
And if my dreamings ne'er come true,
The brightest and the best,
But leave me lone my journey through,
I'll set my heart at rest,
And thank God for home-sweet things, a green and friendly hill,
And red geraniums aflame upon my window sill.
Martha Haskell Clark
Red Geraniums
Life did not bring me silken gowns,
Nor jewels for my hair,
Nor signs of gabled foreign towns
In distant countries fair,
But I can glimpse, beyond my pane, a green and friendly hill,
And red geraniums aflame upon my window sill.
The brambled cares of every day,
The tiny humdrum things,
May bind my feet when they would stray,
But still my heart has wings
While red geraniums are bloomed against my window glass,
And low above my green-sweet hill the gypsy wind-clouds pass.
And if my dreamings ne'er come true,
The brightest and the best,
But leave me lone my journey through,
I'll set my heart at rest,
And thank God for home-sweet things, a green and friendly hill,
And red geraniums aflame upon my window sill.
Martha Haskell Clark
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
I was just out for a walk. It was going on 8:30 so I decided to just walk around the neighborhood. At the side of one of the houses up the street, there was a guy out talking to his neighbor. I had been hoping he was out because I think he's the brother of a friend of mine. I also think he might be the guy who used to drive a metallic pink Mustang. We had a lemonade/friendship bracelet/tie-dye t-shirt stand on the corner. This guy would drive by a million times a day. Never stopped, never acknowledged us. He is/was apparently much older than us and therefore much too cool to pay us any attention. SO ... I was doing my 20 minute route, but was walking too fast because by the time I was a block from home, I was only at 17 minutes. So I decided to walk around the first block again - in hopes that he would still be sitting outside and that I would be able to talk to him. DORK! Of course he wasn't. But I ended up walking almost 30 minutes and got my steps up to 10614, so that part was good!
It was a busy morning at the office. When I get in, I like to put my lunch in the fridge, check the answering machine, and start reading the paper. I'm usually finishing the crossword puzzle around 9:30. Not this morning!
We have a new warehouse guy. Today, we had a different delivery driver. We normally get our trucks on Thursday afternoons. This guy called yesterday about 4 to say that he wasn't going to make it, but would be in our parking lot at 7:30 this morning. I warned him that we didn't open until 8 & he said that was fine. I pulled in the parking lot and found him sitting there. Not at the loading dock. IN THE PARKING LOT. Which is rather narrow and I tend to pull in tight and swing wide to get into my parking spot. So the warehouse guy got him directed around the building to the actual loading dock. There was another truck already there for one of the other businesses in the building. He managed to get himself maneuvered around the truck and up to the loading dock. Then I had to go get one of the guys from next door to drive the forklift because the new guy doesn't know how to drive this one. (Nor do I!) Then I stayed back there to do the paperwork because I haven't taught the new guy yet. (it was his first truck) So I'm back there helping move stuff around - in heels. And a short skirt. And a scarf. I was SO not dressed to help with truck today. But I looked "glamorous", or so said the TV guy that came in to check on our ads. (He's cute, young, and, most likely, gay. But still!)
After all that, I had a bunch of paperwork to catch up on. My printer is finally up and running again, so I can actually do work. And the phone kept ringing and people kept coming in. And I never finished the crossword puzzle until noon!
But the afternoon was quite quiet. :)
It was a busy morning at the office. When I get in, I like to put my lunch in the fridge, check the answering machine, and start reading the paper. I'm usually finishing the crossword puzzle around 9:30. Not this morning!
We have a new warehouse guy. Today, we had a different delivery driver. We normally get our trucks on Thursday afternoons. This guy called yesterday about 4 to say that he wasn't going to make it, but would be in our parking lot at 7:30 this morning. I warned him that we didn't open until 8 & he said that was fine. I pulled in the parking lot and found him sitting there. Not at the loading dock. IN THE PARKING LOT. Which is rather narrow and I tend to pull in tight and swing wide to get into my parking spot. So the warehouse guy got him directed around the building to the actual loading dock. There was another truck already there for one of the other businesses in the building. He managed to get himself maneuvered around the truck and up to the loading dock. Then I had to go get one of the guys from next door to drive the forklift because the new guy doesn't know how to drive this one. (Nor do I!) Then I stayed back there to do the paperwork because I haven't taught the new guy yet. (it was his first truck) So I'm back there helping move stuff around - in heels. And a short skirt. And a scarf. I was SO not dressed to help with truck today. But I looked "glamorous", or so said the TV guy that came in to check on our ads. (He's cute, young, and, most likely, gay. But still!)
After all that, I had a bunch of paperwork to catch up on. My printer is finally up and running again, so I can actually do work. And the phone kept ringing and people kept coming in. And I never finished the crossword puzzle until noon!
But the afternoon was quite quiet. :)
Thursday, July 30, 2009
thursday thankful list
This is a take off on Meg Fowler's Friday Love List. If you've never read her blog, you should check it out. It is fantastic! Thanks. :)
Things I'm Thankful for on Thursday
- seasons. Yes, I know I complain about the heat & humidity here on the East Coast, but I'm glad there are 4 seasons and that each is different & special
- my job.
- being close to my family.
- having had the opportunity to live in Seattle. (You can keep your heat!)
- Demolition Derbys
- air conditioning at my parents - yay!
- Todd & Terra & Kim at Healthy U for helping me get healthy - you guys rock!
- The Lord Jesus Christ for dying on the cross to save me from my sins!
- and you!
Things I'm Thankful for on Thursday
- seasons. Yes, I know I complain about the heat & humidity here on the East Coast, but I'm glad there are 4 seasons and that each is different & special
- my job.
- being close to my family.
- having had the opportunity to live in Seattle. (You can keep your heat!)
- Demolition Derbys
- air conditioning at my parents - yay!
- Todd & Terra & Kim at Healthy U for helping me get healthy - you guys rock!
- The Lord Jesus Christ for dying on the cross to save me from my sins!
- and you!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
wednesday wisdom
(hoping to make this a regular feature...)
"It's a lot easier to take pictures of flowers than it is to grow them." - man on tour at Grey Towers, Milford, PA

The flower in question :)

Grey Towers, Milford, PA

The Finger Bowl, aka, the dining room table - what fun! :)
For more information, click here.
"It's a lot easier to take pictures of flowers than it is to grow them." - man on tour at Grey Towers, Milford, PA

The flower in question :)

Grey Towers, Milford, PA

The Finger Bowl, aka, the dining room table - what fun! :)
For more information, click here.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
those of you who have known me for several years
will remember that at one point in my post-high school career, I attended Cortland College. Cortland, NY, is definitely a college town. There's a bit of industry, a lot of fast food restaurants, and the college. Oh, and lots of bars. Without going into detail, it was not a good 3 semesters for Rachel. It ended with arthroscopic knee surgery. I've rarely driven through the town (or is it a city??) in the 15 years since. The times I have, I've had panic attacks. I don't even like stopping at the Tim Horton's there, and many of you know of my love affair with Tim's. :D Where was I going with this? Oh yes... So for many years, I have had a very strong dislike for the whole city.
Why is it now that the 2 most attractive men in my acquaintance are from Cortland???!!!!! One of them has the most gorgeous eyelashes. Ever! He also has a girlfriend. The other one is most attractive. All I know about him is that he works in construction of some sort and is friends with the one with the eyelashes. If this one came around more often, I'm quite sure I would develop a crush on him.
Perhaps it's for the best that he only shows up every 3 months or so?! ;)
Why is it now that the 2 most attractive men in my acquaintance are from Cortland???!!!!! One of them has the most gorgeous eyelashes. Ever! He also has a girlfriend. The other one is most attractive. All I know about him is that he works in construction of some sort and is friends with the one with the eyelashes. If this one came around more often, I'm quite sure I would develop a crush on him.
Perhaps it's for the best that he only shows up every 3 months or so?! ;)
customer service
"Don't know what you want, but I can't give it anymore." - Pet Shop Boys
"If she knew what she wants - he'd be giving it to her" - The Bangles
I work in Customer Service. Yes, my official title is "Office Girl" but in all reality, I am there for Customer Service.
Some days, the customers are lovely. Other days, they just aren't.
Example of a good customer: Older gentleman walks in, asks to see samples of stair treads. I pull out what we have & go for the catalog. He says, "I think this is what we are looking for, but do you know if...?" I didn't know, so I got help. (Ask for Help. This is the one useful thing from my last career that I use constantly in this job!) The owner talks to the guy and ends up by saying, "Ok. I'll work out the price and give you a call." The customer leaves happy. We are happy because we could help him. :)
On the opposite end of the spectrum... Older couple, in their 80s, turns out they are brother & sister. Brother is WAY too friendly, stands WAY too close. Sister says, "I need new rugs."
I ask where she wants to put them.
"In the hall and bedrooms."
"Do you have anything in mind as to what you want?"
"Do you have a color you would like to see in your house?"
"Um... what sort of traffic do these areas have? Are there a lot of people? Any pets?" (These are the basic questions that we ask anyone who is looking for carpet.)
Brother speaks up. "If she'd kick that no-good son of hers out she wouldn't have so many problems."
Sister "Well, there's about 6 people living in the house."
"Ok. So you want something that's going to stand up to a lot of foot traffic and doesn't show the dirt?" I show her a mini-shag.
"Ugh. I hate that shag stuff."
I show here a textured, tightly drawn-down plush.
"I don't like that!"
"Well, have you looked around? Is anything catching your eye?"
She remains standing in the middle of the showroom, not looking at anything. "I don't see anything I like."
I go to a rack and start flipping through. She comes and stands next to me. Doesn't say a word as we are flipping through. "See anything?"
"No. What do you think I should put in my house?"
"Well, the mini-shag would hide the dirt and stand up well to all the foot traffic."
"I don't like the shag!"
"Well, it's going to have to be your decision about what you put in your house because you have to live with it."
She looks at her brother. "She can't help me."
Brother: "She told you that you have to pick something you like. She can't help you if you won't pick anything."
(I'm like, THANK YOU!)
Sister: "She can't help me. Can someone come out and measure?" And she walks away.
I did manage to get her name & phone number, although she gave out the information grudgingly. Meanwhile, brother is standing thisclose and asking if I was married. Finally, they leave. She's still muttering something about my not being able to help her.
Honestly? I can only do so much! That was a very trying afternoon...
"If she knew what she wants - he'd be giving it to her" - The Bangles
I work in Customer Service. Yes, my official title is "Office Girl" but in all reality, I am there for Customer Service.
Some days, the customers are lovely. Other days, they just aren't.
Example of a good customer: Older gentleman walks in, asks to see samples of stair treads. I pull out what we have & go for the catalog. He says, "I think this is what we are looking for, but do you know if...?" I didn't know, so I got help. (Ask for Help. This is the one useful thing from my last career that I use constantly in this job!) The owner talks to the guy and ends up by saying, "Ok. I'll work out the price and give you a call." The customer leaves happy. We are happy because we could help him. :)
On the opposite end of the spectrum... Older couple, in their 80s, turns out they are brother & sister. Brother is WAY too friendly, stands WAY too close. Sister says, "I need new rugs."
I ask where she wants to put them.
"In the hall and bedrooms."
"Do you have anything in mind as to what you want?"
"Do you have a color you would like to see in your house?"
"Um... what sort of traffic do these areas have? Are there a lot of people? Any pets?" (These are the basic questions that we ask anyone who is looking for carpet.)
Brother speaks up. "If she'd kick that no-good son of hers out she wouldn't have so many problems."
Sister "Well, there's about 6 people living in the house."
"Ok. So you want something that's going to stand up to a lot of foot traffic and doesn't show the dirt?" I show her a mini-shag.
"Ugh. I hate that shag stuff."
I show here a textured, tightly drawn-down plush.
"I don't like that!"
"Well, have you looked around? Is anything catching your eye?"
She remains standing in the middle of the showroom, not looking at anything. "I don't see anything I like."
I go to a rack and start flipping through. She comes and stands next to me. Doesn't say a word as we are flipping through. "See anything?"
"No. What do you think I should put in my house?"
"Well, the mini-shag would hide the dirt and stand up well to all the foot traffic."
"I don't like the shag!"
"Well, it's going to have to be your decision about what you put in your house because you have to live with it."
She looks at her brother. "She can't help me."
Brother: "She told you that you have to pick something you like. She can't help you if you won't pick anything."
(I'm like, THANK YOU!)
Sister: "She can't help me. Can someone come out and measure?" And she walks away.
I did manage to get her name & phone number, although she gave out the information grudgingly. Meanwhile, brother is standing thisclose and asking if I was married. Finally, they leave. She's still muttering something about my not being able to help her.
Honestly? I can only do so much! That was a very trying afternoon...
dear kim
I'm sorry. I never meant to impose. I can only imagine that your catchy blog stuck subconsciously in my brain. That said, this blog was, at it's start, titled "A Few Words From...", so this was just a take off on that. Yours will always be cuter. <3 U :)
Monday, July 13, 2009
Hi there!
I am indeed single, social, and a sister. Not only that, but I generally have lots to say. :D My goal is to say it online instead of just in my head. I'd write more, but it's time to eat dinner.
I'm looking forward to blogging again. Can't wait to hear from you!
I am indeed single, social, and a sister. Not only that, but I generally have lots to say. :D My goal is to say it online instead of just in my head. I'd write more, but it's time to eat dinner.
I'm looking forward to blogging again. Can't wait to hear from you!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
should have posted this a couple of months ago cuz it's totally how i felt
Don't wanna hear the news
What's going on
What's coming through
I don't wanna know
don't wanna know
Just wanna hide away
make my my escape
I want the world
to leave me alone
Feels like I feel too much
I've seen too much
For a little while
I want to forget
I wanna be numb
I don't wanna feel this pain no more
Wanna lose touch
I just wanna go and lock the door
I don't wanna think
I don't wanna feel nothing
I wanna be numb
I just wanna be
wanna be numb
Can't find no space to breathe
World's closing in
right on me now
Well that's how it feels
that's how it feels
Too much light
There's too much sound
Wanna turn it off
Wanna shut it out
I need some relief
Think that I think too much
I've seen too much
There is just too much
thought in my head
I wanna be numb
I don't wanna feel this pain no more
Wanna lose touch
I just wanna go and lock the door
I don't wanna think
I don't wanna feel nothing
I wanna be numb
I just wanna be
wanna be
taken away from all the madness
Need to escape
escape from the pain
I’m out on the edge
about to lose my mind
For a little while
For a little while
I wanna be numb
I don't wanna think
I don't wanna feel nothing
I wanna be numb
I don't wanna feel this pain no more
Wanna lose touch
I just wanna go and lock the door
I don't wanna think
I don't wanna feel nothing
I wanna be numb
I just wanna be
wanna be numb
I just wanna be
wanna be numb
All the madness
I wanna be numb
Numb - Pet Shop Boys
What's going on
What's coming through
I don't wanna know
don't wanna know
Just wanna hide away
make my my escape
I want the world
to leave me alone
Feels like I feel too much
I've seen too much
For a little while
I want to forget
I wanna be numb
I don't wanna feel this pain no more
Wanna lose touch
I just wanna go and lock the door
I don't wanna think
I don't wanna feel nothing
I wanna be numb
I just wanna be
wanna be numb
Can't find no space to breathe
World's closing in
right on me now
Well that's how it feels
that's how it feels
Too much light
There's too much sound
Wanna turn it off
Wanna shut it out
I need some relief
Think that I think too much
I've seen too much
There is just too much
thought in my head
I wanna be numb
I don't wanna feel this pain no more
Wanna lose touch
I just wanna go and lock the door
I don't wanna think
I don't wanna feel nothing
I wanna be numb
I just wanna be
wanna be
taken away from all the madness
Need to escape
escape from the pain
I’m out on the edge
about to lose my mind
For a little while
For a little while
I wanna be numb
I don't wanna think
I don't wanna feel nothing
I wanna be numb
I don't wanna feel this pain no more
Wanna lose touch
I just wanna go and lock the door
I don't wanna think
I don't wanna feel nothing
I wanna be numb
I just wanna be
wanna be numb
I just wanna be
wanna be numb
All the madness
I wanna be numb
Numb - Pet Shop Boys
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