Saturday, September 5, 2009

my blog languisheth

So, um, I've missed like a couple of weeks. Oops! I've got a *good reason* however. I've been busy sorting out a banking error, so that's how I've spent all my time online. Seriously. This whole online banking thing is a little too complicated for me, I think. But then, today, it seemed like everything was in order and I had put in the right things and everything seems to be peachy. Well, excepting that there's never enough in the old checking account...

I am home alone this weekend. I was so looking forward to getting lots of things done. But I really didn't want to get out of bed this morning. When I finally arose and started breakfast, I dropped the bottle of canola oil and it spilled all over the floor. So I had to take time out to clean up the mess. Then I read the whole paper and a couple days worth of mail. (S-that card totally made my day. :) I'll write you about it soon!) I finally made it to the Farmers' Market around 11, and, of course, there was no lettuce to be seen. Man, I just hate buying it at the grocery store! Ran through the DT at Starbucks for an iced tall no classic light ice passion tea before heading to Kohl's. I was bra shopping, but ended up buying new sneakers instead. What was I supposed to do?! They actually had my size in sneakers... Then to the grocery store, and finally home. Where I was supposed to accomplish all sorts of fun things this afternoon, but instead, I spent lots of time online checking email and facebook. Then I went for a walk and now I am going to use up a free ticket and go watch the BMets [hopefully!] win.

Perhaps this coming week I can get back on track with the blogging???


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