Friday, July 31, 2009

I was just out for a walk. It was going on 8:30 so I decided to just walk around the neighborhood. At the side of one of the houses up the street, there was a guy out talking to his neighbor. I had been hoping he was out because I think he's the brother of a friend of mine. I also think he might be the guy who used to drive a metallic pink Mustang. We had a lemonade/friendship bracelet/tie-dye t-shirt stand on the corner. This guy would drive by a million times a day. Never stopped, never acknowledged us. He is/was apparently much older than us and therefore much too cool to pay us any attention. SO ... I was doing my 20 minute route, but was walking too fast because by the time I was a block from home, I was only at 17 minutes. So I decided to walk around the first block again - in hopes that he would still be sitting outside and that I would be able to talk to him. DORK! Of course he wasn't. But I ended up walking almost 30 minutes and got my steps up to 10614, so that part was good!

It was a busy morning at the office. When I get in, I like to put my lunch in the fridge, check the answering machine, and start reading the paper. I'm usually finishing the crossword puzzle around 9:30. Not this morning!

We have a new warehouse guy. Today, we had a different delivery driver. We normally get our trucks on Thursday afternoons. This guy called yesterday about 4 to say that he wasn't going to make it, but would be in our parking lot at 7:30 this morning. I warned him that we didn't open until 8 & he said that was fine. I pulled in the parking lot and found him sitting there. Not at the loading dock. IN THE PARKING LOT. Which is rather narrow and I tend to pull in tight and swing wide to get into my parking spot. So the warehouse guy got him directed around the building to the actual loading dock. There was another truck already there for one of the other businesses in the building. He managed to get himself maneuvered around the truck and up to the loading dock. Then I had to go get one of the guys from next door to drive the forklift because the new guy doesn't know how to drive this one. (Nor do I!) Then I stayed back there to do the paperwork because I haven't taught the new guy yet. (it was his first truck) So I'm back there helping move stuff around - in heels. And a short skirt. And a scarf. I was SO not dressed to help with truck today. But I looked "glamorous", or so said the TV guy that came in to check on our ads. (He's cute, young, and, most likely, gay. But still!)

After all that, I had a bunch of paperwork to catch up on. My printer is finally up and running again, so I can actually do work. And the phone kept ringing and people kept coming in. And I never finished the crossword puzzle until noon!

But the afternoon was quite quiet. :)


Thursday, July 30, 2009

thursday thankful list

This is a take off on Meg Fowler's Friday Love List. If you've never read her blog, you should check it out. It is fantastic! Thanks. :)

Things I'm Thankful for on Thursday

- seasons. Yes, I know I complain about the heat & humidity here on the East Coast, but I'm glad there are 4 seasons and that each is different & special

- my job.

- being close to my family.

- having had the opportunity to live in Seattle. (You can keep your heat!)

- Demolition Derbys

- air conditioning at my parents - yay!

- Todd & Terra & Kim at Healthy U for helping me get healthy - you guys rock!

- The Lord Jesus Christ for dying on the cross to save me from my sins!

- and you!


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

wednesday wisdom

(hoping to make this a regular feature...)

"It's a lot easier to take pictures of flowers than it is to grow them." - man on tour at Grey Towers, Milford, PA

The flower in question :)

Grey Towers, Milford, PA

The Finger Bowl, aka, the dining room table - what fun! :)

For more information, click here.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

those of you who have known me for several years

will remember that at one point in my post-high school career, I attended Cortland College. Cortland, NY, is definitely a college town. There's a bit of industry, a lot of fast food restaurants, and the college. Oh, and lots of bars. Without going into detail, it was not a good 3 semesters for Rachel. It ended with arthroscopic knee surgery. I've rarely driven through the town (or is it a city??) in the 15 years since. The times I have, I've had panic attacks. I don't even like stopping at the Tim Horton's there, and many of you know of my love affair with Tim's. :D Where was I going with this? Oh yes... So for many years, I have had a very strong dislike for the whole city.

Why is it now that the 2 most attractive men in my acquaintance are from Cortland???!!!!! One of them has the most gorgeous eyelashes. Ever! He also has a girlfriend. The other one is most attractive. All I know about him is that he works in construction of some sort and is friends with the one with the eyelashes. If this one came around more often, I'm quite sure I would develop a crush on him.

Perhaps it's for the best that he only shows up every 3 months or so?! ;)


customer service

"Don't know what you want, but I can't give it anymore." - Pet Shop Boys

"If she knew what she wants - he'd be giving it to her" - The Bangles

I work in Customer Service. Yes, my official title is "Office Girl" but in all reality, I am there for Customer Service.

Some days, the customers are lovely. Other days, they just aren't.

Example of a good customer: Older gentleman walks in, asks to see samples of stair treads. I pull out what we have & go for the catalog. He says, "I think this is what we are looking for, but do you know if...?" I didn't know, so I got help. (Ask for Help. This is the one useful thing from my last career that I use constantly in this job!) The owner talks to the guy and ends up by saying, "Ok. I'll work out the price and give you a call." The customer leaves happy. We are happy because we could help him. :)

On the opposite end of the spectrum... Older couple, in their 80s, turns out they are brother & sister. Brother is WAY too friendly, stands WAY too close. Sister says, "I need new rugs."
I ask where she wants to put them.
"In the hall and bedrooms."
"Do you have anything in mind as to what you want?"
"Do you have a color you would like to see in your house?"
"Um... what sort of traffic do these areas have? Are there a lot of people? Any pets?" (These are the basic questions that we ask anyone who is looking for carpet.)
Brother speaks up. "If she'd kick that no-good son of hers out she wouldn't have so many problems."
Sister "Well, there's about 6 people living in the house."
"Ok. So you want something that's going to stand up to a lot of foot traffic and doesn't show the dirt?" I show her a mini-shag.
"Ugh. I hate that shag stuff."
I show here a textured, tightly drawn-down plush.
"I don't like that!"
"Well, have you looked around? Is anything catching your eye?"
She remains standing in the middle of the showroom, not looking at anything. "I don't see anything I like."
I go to a rack and start flipping through. She comes and stands next to me. Doesn't say a word as we are flipping through. "See anything?"
"No. What do you think I should put in my house?"
"Well, the mini-shag would hide the dirt and stand up well to all the foot traffic."
"I don't like the shag!"
"Well, it's going to have to be your decision about what you put in your house because you have to live with it."
She looks at her brother. "She can't help me."
Brother: "She told you that you have to pick something you like. She can't help you if you won't pick anything."
(I'm like, THANK YOU!)
Sister: "She can't help me. Can someone come out and measure?" And she walks away.

I did manage to get her name & phone number, although she gave out the information grudgingly. Meanwhile, brother is standing thisclose and asking if I was married. Finally, they leave. She's still muttering something about my not being able to help her.

Honestly? I can only do so much! That was a very trying afternoon...


dear kim

I'm sorry. I never meant to impose. I can only imagine that your catchy blog stuck subconsciously in my brain. That said, this blog was, at it's start, titled "A Few Words From...", so this was just a take off on that. Yours will always be cuter. <3 U :)

Monday, July 13, 2009


Hi there!

I am indeed single, social, and a sister. Not only that, but I generally have lots to say. :D My goal is to say it online instead of just in my head. I'd write more, but it's time to eat dinner.

I'm looking forward to blogging again. Can't wait to hear from you!
