Tuesday, May 18, 2010

you should be a ...

nutritionist, apparently.

There was an article in the Wall Street Journal today. Fascinating. Do you think they do that often?!! ;) Anyways, its headline was something along the lines of "Food Companies Cut Calories to Fight Obesity." Of course, I took issue with this - and without actually reading the article - vented. "Hmph!" I snorted. "Cutting calories? They're just gonna load stuff up with aspartame and all that other junk that *lowers calories* (imagine my air quotes...) and makes food worse for you than it was when it just had calories. What people really need to do," I continued, "is to just eat real food and prepare it for themselves."

My co-worker looked at me and said, "I think you should be a nutritionist." and walked out of the lunch room.

But it might have triggered something... See, I was really looking forward to being a weight-loss counselor and teaching people to do what I've done. But that all fell through when the girl who was doing it went on maternity leave 1 1/2 months early. Nothing more was said. I had a job that I loved. (And we all know what happened with that!)

So here I sit. Telemarketing roofing systems to businesses. What I say does not change. So it gives me time to think. And I do think about things like what I need to do when I get home or what I can blog about. But to this point, I was not thinking about what I wanted to be when I grew up.

But that innocuous comment by my coworker has changed that. It's now sitting in my head, or, actually, it's running around in there, making it difficult to blog and telemarket. Some days I'm better at multi-tasking... So anyways, that's where I am in the whole "one of these days I AM going to go back to school" dialogue.

Just thought I'd keep you posted.

In other news, it's a rainy day here in Binghamton, NY.


1 comment:

Elaine Shandra said...

That's awesome Rachel! You'll be a terrific nutritionist.