Monday, April 26, 2010


Ok, so, I had a wonderful birthday. I looked fabulous at work. I got presents at work. They took me out to lunch. Mom made tiramisu for my birthday dessert. Mrs. Stewart made cupcakes for after Bible study. It was a good day!

That was Thursday. Friday saw me up early to pack to go to Lisa's after work. I can't remember all the details, but work felt weird. All day. But I left just before 4:30, got a bite to eat and got on the road. I had just gotten back on the road after a stop in Watertown, when I got a call from the temp agency I'm working through. She said, I don't know why, but your position has been terminated. But this company does this and then keeps people on, so just show up Monday and see what's going on.

I sobbed. Now, mind you, I do NOT recommend doing this, as it makes it hard to see the road! And it took me several miles to stop, but I realized that it just would not do to be crying at the border. I gave myself a good shake and started praying. (eyes open!!) I calmed down and managed to have a really great weekend with Lisa (& Bob & Chris & Jon & Jo & Meredith & everyone else that was involved) :) Mind you, I did not sleep well all weekend, but whenever anyone asked my job, I smiled brightly and said it seemed to be going well, but that they were re-organizing my department and I was hoping for the best.

Needless to say, I woke up feeling not quite confident that I still had a job. But I made my breakfast & lunch and packed up my snacks. I even stopped for a DD decaf on my way to work. Walked in. Stopped in the HR office. Started to explain what I had been told. She barely looked up from her desk and snarled (?) "you're terminated. You can get your things. then leave." Which is what I did. D, one of the CSRs I was assisting, hugged me, and I lost it. This was supposed to be a long-term, permanent thing! I loved my job! and the people I worked with! But pack up my desk and leave is what I did. I didn't even get to say bye to the people in shipping. I just left.

Sat in my car, cried my eyes out, called the temp agency. My girl wasn't there, but the guy said he would make sure she called me. I love the agency! Managed to make it home. Thought about crying my eyes out, thought about going back to bed, but instead I changed and started a bit of spring cleaning. And looked for a job. Nothing. And the owner company in Wisconsin has not yet called my temp agency back. I don't know what to do. I had just gotten to the point where I could pay some bills and put gas in my car, and now, I don't have any jobs or any prospects. It's scary.

That's all for now.



Elaine Shandra said...

I'm so sorry for you! I hope that you'll find an even better job soon!

gourmetgirl said...

I've been there...the crying so hard you can't see the road...don't recommend it either...

It's hard...the not's a pat answer but we can be thankful the Lord knows His plan for you!